What flowers should not be kept at home: photos and signs

When purchasing another flower, we do not even know about some of the harmful properties of indoor plants, and then suddenly we notice emerging health problems. If a small child or animals live in the house, then you need to pay special attention to the choice of indoor flowers and plants in order to protect their livelihoods. Some types of plants contain poison in their sap or release harmful substances into oxygen. In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, some flowers have an adverse effect on the human body. In this case, you need to choose the right location for the future green resident, without placing it in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen. There are a huge number of disputes and disagreements about dangerous plants in the house. All the sayings are mixed with various signs that can ultimately confuse a novice gardener. In this article we will look at plants with which you need to be careful and be aware of the likely consequences for the body and for energy.


This green beauty of the Aroid family is capable of growing to impressive sizes. The leaves are large and smooth, but this is only at first glance. If you examine the surface of a monstera leaf under a microscope, you can see small needles that can irritate the mucous membranes and cause allergies. Monstera juice is capable of killing fungi, viruses and dangerous microorganisms, but if it enters the human body in its pure form, it can cause indigestion. Causes burns on the skin.


The cactus does not have negative energy if it is located in the kitchen or hallway. You can’t keep it in the bedroom, otherwise it can make the spouses “prickly” and cause them to quarrel. There is a version that it is useful to place a cactus next to the monitor while working - this way it absorbs electromagnetic radiation and reduces its impact on humans. The cactus is also called a male plant - people believe that it strengthens vitality. A single woman is also not recommended to keep a cactus in her apartment, otherwise she may scare away her destiny. Married women should not be afraid of this flower.

Today we want to tell you about what flowers are needed in the house.

So what flowers are needed in the house?

In the natural environment there are a lot of plants that have absolutely no beneficial properties, and may also have an unfavorable effect on the body. And it is believed that among even very beautiful flowers that emit a pleasant aroma, there are very poisonous plants.

But even because of this, you should not completely abandon beautiful and colorful plants in your home, citing the fear of acquiring a “poisonous flower.” There are a huge number of flowers that are needed at home.

In this article we will tell you about them.

Aloe , from the agave family, is considered the most common plant that brings great benefits to humans. And this is the flower you definitely need in the house. Each unique medicinal property of this plant is very difficult to list.

Aloe can be used for various types of runny nose, it perfectly helps treat sore throats and relieves stomach pain, while healing ulcers, and it can also be used if you are injured and have a deep wound.

This miraculous flower can also be used for cosmetic purposes.

Fresh squeezed juice from agave perfectly cleanses keratinized facial skin, has the ability to unclog pores, and can also protect the skin from various types of bacteria and many fungal infections.

Therefore, you should not even think about whether such a flower is needed at home. Of course, you need it, thanks to aloe, your skin will always be young and your body healthy.

Therefore, be sure to grow at least one aloe flower, and you will be able to give up many medications.

What other flowers do you need at home?

Kalanchoe is also considered an essential plant that should be in every home. This flower can perfectly cleanse the air in your home from many bacteria that can cause certain diseases in humans, and this will allow you to always be in good health, even at a time when there is an epidemic of any colds.

If, after all, it happened that your health became bad and you still caught a cold, it means that freshly squeezed juice from Kalanchoe leaves, which can be dripped into each nasal passage, will help you perfectly, instead of medical drops, which contains one chemistry.

If you have a sore and sore throat, then you can also use a Kalanchoe leaf. To do this, you need to chew the leaf for three minutes. Thanks to this, you will quickly get rid of pain, and your throat will also stop itching.

And if you sometimes drink warm tea and add a few drops of Kalanchoe to it, then you can be sure that your immunity will become more resistant to all colds.

And special gratitude should be given to spathiphyllum. This flower is also needed in every home. This plant will help you cope with the lack of oxygen. You can say that the house can be ventilated, but first of all, do not forget about our ecology, and spathiphyllum will help clean your air in the house from all toxic gases and make the air environmentally friendly.

This flower is also capable of carcinogenic substances, so having such a flower at home, you can be absolutely sure that you are breathing clean air.

In addition, it purifies the air from various carcinogenic substances.

If you decide to plant this plant, then you must follow some rules.

First of all, spathiphyllum should not be exposed to sunlight or drafts. This flower should be in a room in which the temperature ranges from twenty to thirty degrees Celsius. Also, this room should have dry air, but in no case humid. There is no need to spray the flower, but just when you see that the leaves have become a little lethargic, then just take it and water it well.

Next we will discuss geranium. In nature, this flower is considered the best plant that can help you get rid of depression. Surely each of us has experienced depression at least once in our lives, so every housewife needs such a flower at home. Geranium releases certain substances that will relieve you of psychological disorder in a short time.

If you have a bad dream, then this flower should be in your bedroom, and you will be surprised how much easier and faster you will fall asleep.

If you think that the air in your home is too dry, this does not mean that you urgently need to buy a humidifier. You can buy fern, violet and cyclamen.

These flowers are needed at home. Thanks to these plants, you can humidify the air and, in addition, you will enjoy their beauty every day.

Now we will tell you about several types of flowers that you need to keep at home.

Very often we go to a flower shop and when purchasing any plant, we generally don’t ask ourselves the question, what kind of flowers should we keep at home?

Basically, we choose everything based on beauty, that is, if we like the way a plant blooms, then we buy it. And you don’t even think about what benefits this flower will bring you.

And you should think about this first of all, since your home is a place where you should feel comfortable and cozy. And indoor flowers are divided into useful and poisonous plants.

It is very useful to keep citrus plants in the house, dieffenbachia, cactus and azalea will not hurt.

Thanks to their aroma, citrus plants can make your breathing easier; these flowers also have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and at the same time lower blood pressure well.

And most importantly, these flowers can help people who have asthma and also have many heart-related diseases. Therefore, if you have a person living in your house who has encountered such health problems, then you simply need to keep such flowers at home.

Dieffenbachia is also a wonderful flower to keep in your home. It has properties that will help make the air in your home beneficial for your health. The leaves of this flower absorb every harmful substance that is in the air inside your home. Cactus also perfectly purifies the air. It helps get rid of various microbes, and also has the property of protecting against electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, if you have, for example, a computer in your house, and especially if your child works on it, then you simply need to keep such a flower in the house.

Azalea is a wonderful plant that will relieve eye strain and humidify the air in the house.

And now we will touch on the question of what flowers you must have at home.

Most likely, you never think about what flowers you can have at home. And in some countries, for example, take Japan and China, the choice of plants that are grown at home is treated with special responsibility.

Because they never forget that not every flower will benefit the people who live in the house. Undoubtedly, every person wants his home to become a cozy place where he can relax after a hard day; in addition, the atmosphere should be completely healthy, but this does not mean that you should immediately run to the store, buy a bunch of flowers and place them in every corner of the rooms.

You will not be able to achieve good results with this action. Sometimes we bring into the house seemingly completely harmless plants that begin to grow in pots on the windowsills and emit bad substances that are harmful to health. Based on this, we do not advise you to make a whole, blooming garden from your home, planting everything in a row.

Among the useful plants there are many flowers with poisonous properties. Before you buy a flower that you want to plant in your home, be sure to find out what properties it has and what its origin is.


If you keep a ficus at home, signs and superstitions say that it creates a harmonious environment in the family and strengthens it. Ficus helps infertile women get pregnant. In Thailand, ficus is considered a sacred plant. In order for the plant to carry positive energy, it must be looked after; it is unacceptable for it to dry out.

The Slavs, on the contrary, were wary of this flower and called it “muzhegon”. It was believed that it had an adverse effect on men and drove potential husbands away from women.

What indoor plants should not be kept in an apartment according to folk wisdom?

According to folk wisdom, the most dangerous plants are:

  • Lilies. Very beautiful flowers, but under no circumstances should they be kept in the house, especially in the bedroom. Lilies are unlike other plants because they absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide into the air. This plant is a vampire that sucks a person’s energy and takes away positive emotions.
  • Dieffenbachia. It is believed that it takes away the strength and health of the apartment residents. If the apartment in which such a plant is located is small, then this will adversely affect its inhabitants. According to popular belief, the flower is suitable only for corridors and spacious rooms.
  • Succulents should also not be kept in the bedroom; it is better to keep them in the hallway or kitchen. Beloved by many flower growers, cacti, according to signs, are not recommended to be kept in the bedroom where a girl lives. The plant will have a bad effect on her personal life.
  • Piketail or Sansevieria is a very dangerous plant. According to signs, this flower with its energy destroys family life and attracts loneliness.
  • Mother-in-law's tongue. According to legend, it is a very insidious flower. It is especially not recommended to grow in a house where there is a single woman. The tongue takes away power and has negative energy. Mother-in-law's tongue is popularly called "muzhegon". It is believed that this plant has been driving men away from home since ancient times. All grandmothers know the folk method of avoiding loneliness: remove all mother-in-law tongues from the house!
  • Ferns, according to signs, suck energy from the residents of the house. If the apartment is very small, then a person literally feels how strength is lost, fatigue sets in, and apathy sets in.
  • Lilacs also have no place in the house. She is undoubtedly very beautiful and smells great, but she also attracts negativity and bad energy.

What indoor plants must be in the house?

Few people today believe in folk signs and superstitions. Therefore, all of the above flowers often end up in people's homes.

Flowers of separation and loneliness

According to esotericists, there are flowers whose energy is extremely negative. If you keep such plants at home, they can harm a person, doom them to loneliness or accompany separation.

Important! It is believed that negative energy affects not only single people and unmarried girls, but also those who are married. An incorrectly selected indoor flower can destroy even the strongest family.

Dangerous colors include:

  • all vines;
  • Decembrist;
  • balsam;
  • ivies;
  • monstera;
  • cacti.

Superstitions say that if there are these harmful house plants at home, the man will not be comfortable - because of this, he will constantly disappear and will not strive for a family. You can verify this by asking housewives who grow such flowers. But if you keep them outside the house, for example in the yard, then there is no problem.


Azalea is very loved by many gardeners, it is simply luxurious, the flowers have a wide palette of shades, and it is often used to create bonsai. It is poisonous, its foliage contains glycoside and andromedotoxin, which, when ingested by a person or animal, cause poisoning, nausea, and convulsions. The most poisonous is the Sims or Indian Azalea.

Too fragrant plants

Other plants, such as lilies or geraniums, have a strong scent. It can have a negative impact on a person's well-being. In particular, the smell of lilies is so strong that it irritates the nervous system and makes it impossible to relax in the room. Moreover, lilies actively breathe oxygen along with us, releasing carbon dioxide.

As for the smell of geranium, it often causes headaches. Many people have various allergic reactions to geranium. They talk about a sharp aroma, it is also worth mentioning such a flower as oleander. It also has a pungent odor that can cause dizziness. Oleander juice is dangerous to such an extent that cases have been recorded where it caused blindness.

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What flowers should you not keep at home?

It is undesirable to place plants that are poisonous in apartments where there are children or pets, since they have a number of negative properties.


Aglaonema opens the list - this is the most poisonous houseplant that can secrete poison. Even touching its flowers you will feel some irritation. Aglaonema is very dangerous if it enters the body internally - it affects the central nervous system and provokes nausea, headache and even fainting. You should be very careful with this flower.


Euphorbia is definitely not a flower for happiness, since milkweed juice can burn the skin and cause severe swelling of the mucous membranes, including loss of vision.

Sims' rhododendron

Sims's rhododendron is a very poisonous flower; under no circumstances should it be allowed to enter the body. If this happens, call a doctor immediately, otherwise you may fall from convulsions and lose consciousness.


Dieffenbachia is dangerous because of its juice. Children or animals should not be allowed near the flower, otherwise there is a high risk that they will try the Dieffenbachia stem. As a result of ingestion, the plant juice will provoke a strong gag reflex due to poisoning.


Monstera is an energy vampire. According to popular belief, this flower sucks energy out of a person. Without noticing it, he begins to feel tired, apathetic, and health problems begin.


Sansevieria, or “mother-in-law’s tongue” (as well as “pike tail”) sucks love out of the house and takes away female attractiveness. Unmarried girls may have their personal lives go wrong. For this reason, “mother-in-law’s tongue” cannot be kept in the house.


Primrose is a beautiful name for an equally beautiful flower. Primrose is very toxic; it releases harmful substances into the atmosphere in large quantities, which affect the general condition of the body. Primrose leaves may cause skin irritation.

Christmas star

The Christmas star, or poinsettia, got its name due to the unusual shape of its leaves. This is a very beautiful plant that requires proper care. If the temperature regime and moderate air humidity are not observed, poinsettia absorbs oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide. A Christmas star is good to place in the office.


Pandanus cannot be kept in the house, as it is an energy vampire. Impressionable people with such a plant will feel uncomfortable, they will feel depressed, even to the point of nervous breakdown. In other cases, pandanus can be placed both at home and at work.

Wax ivy

Wax plant, or hoya, brings troubles and misfortunes to the house. It’s hard to say where this belief came from. However, according to signs, Hoya does not promise a successful marriage for girls, sons leave home, and the husband begins to cheat, which brings discord into the family.

We found out which plants should not be kept at home and why. The list is quite extensive, although incomplete. The question of whether it is possible to keep certain flowers at home always causes a lot of controversy. Yes, you can blindly trust signs and superstitions, but do not forget that they were also invented by people. How easy it is to blame your problems on these green plants without understanding why there is discord and quarrels in the house. Undoubtedly, some flowers are considered poisonous and you should protect your children and animals from them. But we recommend that you take a closer look at the rest - a flower will not be able to improve your personal life or solve health problems; the cause of the problems may lie much deeper.

Plants that bring money

Home flowers not only delight with their appearance, but also attract monetary luck. Among these plants:

  • crassula (money tree);
  • zamiakulkas, geranium;
  • lemon;
  • pachira;
  • scindapsus;
  • aucuba;
  • bougainvillea.

To enhance the magical power, the selected plant should be placed in the south-eastern part of the house and taken good care of.

When choosing a green “money magnet”, pay attention to other properties of plants. For example, the scindapsus liana is included in the list of flowers that cannot be kept in the house; it is considered a “husband-killer.”

Useful indoor plants for the home with photos

The main general rule is that there should be no sick, dying or even simply unkempt plants in the house. This is explained by the fact that only beautiful and healthy indoor flowers can enhance the positive energy of the home.

Therefore: we wash and water our pets in a timely manner, remove dry leaves, fertilize, treat, and throw away those who cannot be treated.

If you don’t have time to tinker with flowers, buy plants that don’t require much care for your home: sansevieria (pike tail), crassula oval (crassula), chlorophytum, cacti, bamboo.

Plants that are universal for the home and can be placed anywhere are:


Decorative bamboo.

Spathiphyllum - “female happiness”)))

Crassula - “money tree”. Read more about its ability to attract wealth in the article about “The Money Tree, how to plant it correctly to make money.”




It is believed that they can be kept in any room. You can definitely read more about what flowers should be in the house in the article “About the most useful indoor plants for our home.”

(The list may not be complete, add other plants if you know))

Now general information about which plants should not be kept at home.

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