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Every person sooner or later is faced with the need to make repairs in his home. If a few years ago we independently came up with different models and interior of the house, now you can see all this on the Internet or order your own style from a designer. However, repairs made with your own hands are much more valuable. Today we will talk about various coatings for the home and consider how to paint the walls in an apartment instead of wallpaper.

Types of wallpaper

The construction market is developing more and more every day. You can see a huge number of different wallpapers for any part of your home. However, they are all divided into several groups and types

Types of wallpaper:

  • vinyl;
  • paper;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • washable;
  • non-woven;
  • wallpaper for painting;
  • liquid wallpaper.

Important! All of the above products have their own colors, which are presented in a huge selection. You can choose any pattern, texture, color, fibers, whatever your imagination desires.

However, the main disadvantage of wallpaper is that after looking at one or two rolls, you cannot imagine what the room will be like after gluing this covering. The effect can be charming, or it can disappoint you. This is why more and more buyers are using wall painting instead of wallpaper.

Residential paint

If you decide not to glue wallpaper in your room, but give preference to another coating, then the question immediately arises: what paint should you use to paint the walls in your apartment instead of wallpaper?

The main requirements for wall paint are:

  • safety;
  • no odor;
  • resistance to direct sunlight.

Important! A characteristic such as a washable base does not necessarily have to be present in wall paint. Perhaps you can choose such a product for a children's room or kitchen. A significant “advantage” to choosing such a paint and varnish product is the ability to dry quickly.

Considering water-based paints

When deciding what to paint the walls of an apartment with instead of wallpaper, there is only one correct answer. This is paint. Among all the materials in this group, water-based paint is the most popular. It is odorless, dries quickly and is absolutely harmless to people.

Water-based paint is divided into three groups:

  • water-based;
  • water-dispersible silicone;
  • water-dispersed acrylic based.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Water-based paint

The most popular paint among all is water-based paint. This paint and varnish product is made on the basis of polyvinyl acetate. The main advantage is that the paint dries quickly and lays down in an even layer.

If you are going out to paint the walls a specific color, two coats are enough.

Important! We draw your attention to the fact that if you want to change the shade of paint, color it, you can add another color a little at a time, then you will achieve any color that your imagination desires.

Water-based paint has a beneficial effect on the walls of a living space. Many experts say that with this coating the walls “breathe”. Perfect for rooms with asthmatics, allergy sufferers and small children.

Important! Water-based paint is the most budget option among similar products. Therefore, it is very popular among the population.

Disadvantages of water-based paint:

  • Walls intended for this type of coating must be perfectly smooth, since water-based products do not paint over imperfections.
  • The coating can be easily washed with a wet cloth. If you drag over the wall several times, you will be left with a mark that will need to be painted over.
  • This coating on the walls is quite easy to damage by any mechanical means. The scratch becomes very noticeable.
  • During use, abrasions occur in the most popular places, which it is advisable to constantly paint over.

Water-dispersed silicone paint

An excellent option for painting the walls in an apartment instead of wallpaper is a water-dispersion mixture. We can say with confidence that this product is perfect.

Advantages of water-dispersion paint for the house:

  • Easy to apply to any surface.
  • Does not require preliminary preparation of walls and a perfectly flat concrete or plasterboard base.
  • Covers cracks up to two millimeters deep and wide.
  • Due to the film formed after application, it is not afraid of moisture, mechanical damage, and does not collect dust.
  • Can be washed.
  • Does not lose its color during the entire service life.
  • Useful for walls.
  • Can be used in rooms with high outdoor humidity.
  • Has no odors.

Important! The only drawback of silicone-based water-dispersion paint is the high price category. However, to create a unique interior, style and design that will serve you for many years, you should choose this paint.

Acrylic water-dispersion paint

If you are thinking about what paint to paint the walls in your apartment instead of wallpaper, then you should consider purchasing acrylic water-dispersion paint. According to its distinctive characteristics, it is something between a similar silicone-based product and simply a water-based liquid.

According to its quality characteristics, it is more suitable for silicone-based water-dispersion paint:

  • dries quickly;
  • has no pungent odors;
  • easy to apply.

Important! The main advantage is that it is capable of healing small cracks up to one millimeter deep. Can be used in any part of the house.

Acrylic-based water-dispersion paint is in greatest demand among buyers, since the price-quality ratio is at an average level. If you want to make inexpensive home renovations, but at the same time of excellent quality, then opt for this paint and varnish product.

Choosing paint for the corridor, bathroom and kitchen

For decorating walls in the hallway and kitchen, paints that are made on the basis of acrylic with the addition of water-based silicone are suitable. This is due to the fact that they are highly resistant to stains and can be washed frequently. At the same time, the original shade does not change at all.

It is recommended to use textured paints in the kitchen, as it will be difficult for you to keep this part of the house clean.

Important! To expand the space, we recommend purchasing paint with a pearlescent finish. In this case, your room will seem larger and brighter.

Painting walls with a roller

Finishing walls with a roller is an easy task. But first you will have to use narrow brushes to apply paint to the area near the baseboard, behind the radiator, around sockets and switches.

Then you need to prepare: take a paint tray with a ribbed surface and, after immersing the roller in the mixture, run it up and down along the raised part a couple of times to remove excess composition.

Painting begins from the windows, moving gradually towards the door. First, use a roller to draw vertical stripes so that they slightly overlap each other. The roller is pressed tightly enough to the surface so that it evenly distributes the material. The next layer is applied in a horizontal direction.

Textured paints for wall decoration

A new product on the construction market is textured paint, which is perfect if you are thinking about how to paint the walls in your apartment instead of wallpaper.


  • The main advantage is that it has no odor, lays flat, and creates interesting patterns.
  • The basis of this paint and varnish product is an acrylic-based water dispersion. Special substances based on sand, fibers and other elements are added to the composition, which create a unique textured structure.
  • Textured paints and varnishes have different thicknesses and structures. It can be applied with a brush, roller or spatula. When applied individually with each tool, you will see a distinctive, unique pattern. Depending on the desired result, the application tool is selected.
  • Textured painting of walls instead of wallpaper is carried out in any shade you need by adding color.
  • It is applied to a previously cleaned surface. This can be plasterboard, concrete, fiberboard, chipboard and other types of walls.
  • Many experts advise priming the working surface before application.

Important! On the construction market you can purchase textured paint that imitates suede, fabric, leather, pearl stains, antique surfaces, and many others. To create a unique interior, you can use several tools at once, applying one after the other. It takes three layers to do this. Each container with this paint contains instructions for applying this product.

What materials and tools will be needed

If the paint application technology is not followed, the walls will quickly peel off and become sloppy. In order to protect yourself from troubles in the future, you need to know what you need to paint the walls in your apartment with high quality.

For installation on your own, the following materials and tools are taken:

  • Roller, brushes or spray gun.

How to paint the walls depends on many factors. The easiest way to apply paint to walls with your own hands is with a roller. The tool is selected depending on the type of paint. You should not save, as an inexpensive roller will quickly fail and you will have to buy a new one. A special container for paint is purchased for the roller. With its help, it is convenient to remove excess composition from the tool and there will be no smudges on the walls. The bathtub is purchased in the size of the roller or larger; the tool simply will not fit into a smaller one.

Important! Brushes are purchased in any case. Several options of different sizes are taken. They will be needed for touching up hard-to-reach places behind radiators, near door and window openings.

  • Primer.

The primer is selected individually for the type of paint. You can purchase a universal one that is suitable for any type of coating. It is necessary to prime the walls before painting for better adhesion. The paint, having a high degree of adhesion to the wall, lies smoother and will last longer.

  • Dye.

For interior work, natural compounds are used. The product is selected according to the type of room. In the kitchen, bathroom and toilet you need to paint the walls with acrylic paint with silicone additives. It is moisture resistant and not afraid of mold and mildew. You can purchase a simple water-based one for the living room, nursery and bedroom. But if you plan on monthly wet cleaning of the walls, then purchase a waterproof composition. In the nursery, the walls are painted with eco-friendly water-based paint. It is odorless and does not contain harmful components. The only disadvantage of formulations for children is the high price. Photos of finished examples can be seen below.

A color scheme can be purchased for any water-based paint. In large retail outlets, the paint will be tinted in the color desired by the buyer. At home, you will have to dilute the paint with foundation paste yourself.

When diluting acrylic paint with a color scheme, it is taken into account that after drying on the wall, the color is 30% lighter.

The spray gun is rarely used for interior work. If the apartment is new and there is no furniture with fittings, then you can use a spray gun. In other cases, everything around will be covered in colored drops, which are problematic to wash off after drying.

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Paints and varnishes with alkyd composition

Another paint that is present on our market is alkyd. The main advantage is that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, resistant to temperature changes and moisture. Therefore, this option is great for the bathroom and kitchen, if you are thinking about how to paint the walls in your apartment instead of wallpaper. Another “plus” is the low price.

Disadvantages of alkyd paint:

  • Strong smell;
  • during use it loses its original color;
  • a yellowish tint appears;
  • It is better to use it for painting radiators than for painting walls instead of wallpaper.

Important! Alkyd paint has a very strong odor. Therefore, painting a room should be done at a time when no one lives in the house and the room is well ventilated.

Work progress

Once the materials and tools have been selected, you can begin to work. Applying paint to walls is carried out in stages, each of which cannot be skipped:

  1. The walls in the apartment are cleaned of old coating. It is easier to remove paint with a solvent, wallpaper with water and a wide spatula. After this, the surface should be washed with water and a small amount of soda ash.
  2. If the walls are smooth, then they can be primed immediately. The surface with cracks and large transitions is leveled. For this, putty and plaster are used. In the corners and in transition places it is additionally glued with reinforcing mesh. The top surface is rubbed with sandpaper and a wet sponge. The quality of paint application depends on how smooth the wall is. After coating, the most minor flaws will be evident.
  3. A primer is applied to the prepared wall. The number of layers is 2 or more, depending on the wall material. The primer is given time to dry.
  4. The finishing coat is applied on top. They start painting the walls from the top, so that the smudges from below will be leveled out as the work progresses. Apply paint to the walls using smooth movements, without leaving gaps.
  5. After allowing the first layer to dry, apply the second. Next, corners and all hard-to-reach places are tinted.

The walls should dry from 12 to 32 hours, depending on the type of paint. The room can be ventilated, but not allowed to dry out. Humidity for uniform drying is kept within 45–60%. Direct sunlight is also best avoided.

You can paint the walls in your apartment in a matter of hours, but you need to carefully prepare the surface for coating. If you don’t have enough patience and time is running out, it’s better to turn to professionals.

"Liquid glass"

“Liquid glass” is a paint and varnish product based on silicates.

Advantages of “liquid glass”:

  • fungus and mold do not appear on surfaces painted with this paint;
  • durable coating;
  • durable;
  • high vapor permeability qualities.

Disadvantages of silicate paint:

  • the liquid composition is hazardous to health;
  • You cannot wear open clothes while applying paint and until it is completely dry;
  • incompatible with other coating and paint options;
  • it is necessary to paint only on a surface that has been cleaned of the old coating;
  • small selection of colors.

Important! “Liquid glass” is not the best solution for painting walls instead of wallpaper.

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