TV above the fireplace [How to install correctly? Ideas and advice from designers]

It is very difficult for a modern person to imagine his living room without a TV. But I would like even more to have a fireplace in the main room. A fireplace is a design item, and a TV is an element of technology. It would seem that these two things are incompatible. But designers figured out how to place the TV above the fireplace in the interior. There are many options.

The article talks about how to properly decorate a room with a fireplace, where and how to place the TV. The photos and videos in this article will serve as a visual aid for resolving this issue.

Basic information

For every owner, the favorite place is the living room. Therefore, it should be cozy and comfortable. If you still decide that there must be a living room interior with a fireplace and a TV, and that the TV should be located above the fireplace, then you must adhere to the basic rules.

  • It is important to consider that a fireplace and a TV are two different objects, they are both dominant and attract attention.
  • In order to properly combine these two different objects, you need to make sure that they match the composition to the overall interior.
  • It is necessary to take into account the size of the fireplace and TV. They should be approximately the same. For example, turning on the TV, a fireplace that is too small will lose its appearance. A fireplace that is too bulky will distract from an interesting film.

Considering these simple rules, you can make the room cozy and even more loved by your household. But also when arranging these items, you need to take into account the type of fireplaces and the style of their decoration.

Furniture arrangement

When choosing a TV, special attention should be paid to the location of other furniture. It’s good if the room area is large enough. In this case, it is possible to make a separate corner with a fireplace, a table and soft armchairs. In another part of the living room, you can arrange other pieces of furniture so that they do not interfere with watching TV and moving around the room.

If there is no large room for the living room, then it is better to place the furniture close to the fireplace so that both the room and the TV can be seen.

Types of fireplaces

If you absolutely need to have a TV above the fireplace, you need to take into account the style of the heating product. In some cases this approach will not be appropriate.

If you like the Baroque style, then in this case the fireplace in the living room with the TV will not combine very well. Moreover, you cannot place a TV device above a heating device. The attached instructions for the TV device confirm this fact.

The reasons are as follows:

  • The style is antique, the device is massive, the finish is bright and eye-catching. Against the backdrop of graceful stucco, a household appliance would be out of place.
  • The fireplaces are large, the portal is high, the mantel is placed high, if you hang a TV above the shelf, it will be very high.
  • You cannot hang the TV close to the mantelpiece; the TV will heat up and be damaged.

Just a note! The TV is an item that belongs to the modern style, and it is difficult to combine it with the Baroque style.

The interior with a TV and fireplace needs to be thought out in advance. With a rustic style, a TV unit above a heating unit is also hard to imagine. This style has its own characteristics.

The finishing is made from natural materials:

  • stone;
  • wood;
  • metal

All the details are large, the portal is high. It's hard to find a place above the mantelpiece for a TV. Or the appearance of the fireplace will be spoiled; the fire will no longer look so attractive. The design will be completely broken.

It's hard to imagine a plasma TV above an English-style fireplace.

The finishing is made of noble material, often good wood. Everything is decorated with carvings and sculptures. Each element is seasoned and gives off an “antique” feel. Near such a fireplace there must be old paintings or good reproductions.

Expensive items, figurines, and vases are placed on the shelves. The style is elegant, pretentious and the standard electrical appliance of a modern person is unlikely to fit into the old days. Even the high price of a TV device does not play a role here.

Modern styles are the most successful. In this case, the fireplace and TV in the living room will go very well.

They are suitable in the following:

  • medium in size, the mantelpiece is located low;
  • the design is dim, laconic, without frills;
  • the portal is small, the light is small, discreet;
  • the mantelpiece is placed low;
  • There is no great heat from the fireplace, there is no danger for the TV.

Features of a small living room with a fireplace

The hearth has the wonderful ability to transform the simple interior of even the smallest room into a surprisingly homely, warm and welcoming one. Any room with a fireplace looks more comfortable and atmospheric, which affects the mood of the people staying there. Psychologists explain this phenomenon by human memory at the genetic level, because from time immemorial fire has been considered a symbol of safety.

Nowadays the most common types of fireplaces are:

  • Traditional wood burning fireplace;
  • Electric fireplace;
  • Decorative false fireplace.

You need to select a fireplace based on the capabilities of your room. But we can say with complete confidence that a real wood-burning fireplace will bring many difficulties with installation and maintenance in a cramped room. And using a real hearth in small rooms is quite dangerous.

Therefore, the most suitable option for small rooms is an electric fireplace, which is not only easy to install and does not require special care, but will also truly warm the room. In addition, it is completely safe not only for adults, but also for children and pets.


In small rooms, false fireplaces that serve only a decorative function are also in demand. Such a piece of furniture must be chosen very carefully and responsibly, since over time it can become a trinket that no one needs.

So, before you start designing your future living room, you need to know a few rules:

  • The fireplace should fit harmoniously into the overall design solution. The style and model of the fireplace should be successfully combined with the design of the room: for a living room in a classic style, a fireplace with a traditional portal is best suited, and a minimalist fireplace based on heat-resistant plastic and glass will fit well into a modern living room.
  • In the interior of such a living room, the hearth is the dominant feature, so all other decorative elements and furniture should be arranged in such a way as to maximally emphasize the uniqueness of the hearth.
  • Soft and cozy armchairs and a sofa should be placed around any fireplace. This composition creates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the room and is conducive to a friendly conversation over a cup of tea.
  • Even the smallest decorative elements will help to reveal the full charm of the hearth, so it needs to be harmoniously furnished with stylish figurines and figurines, images and cozy textiles.

Minimalist style and TV

This combination is the most successful. Especially if it is a small living room with a fireplace and TV.

Style is characteristic:

  • simplicity of forms;
  • lack of frills in decor;
  • all lines are strict;
  • made in neutral colors;
  • small dimensions.

If it is decided that the TV will be located above the mantelpiece, then you need to additionally decorate the false panel with logs; you do not need a large number of candles. A small illusion of a flickering light will do just fine.

In modern style, electric fireplaces or biofireplaces are more often produced.

Just a note! You need to choose a fireplace so that its size is not much larger than the TV, preferably the same size. Only then will the fireplace delight with a sparkle and the TV with an interesting program.

Expert advice

When placing a TV above the fireplace, you need to follow some rules:

  1. The TV panel must be placed in a niche or at a certain angle, otherwise viewing will be inconvenient.
  2. The firebox should not be bulky, otherwise everything will affect the operation of the device.
  3. Do not use bright elements in the design of the fireplace; they will distract attention from the TV screen.
  4. You should not place upholstered furniture next to the fireplace; the distance between the TV and the sofa must be certain (no closer than two and a half meters) in order to watch TV shows.

Beauty and comfort are the main qualities, but safety and health should not be forgotten either.

TV and fireplace in the living room interior and ways to combine them

If you set out to have both a TV and a fireplace in the interior of your living room, then you should keep in mind the nuances of all the options for their placement. Basically, the location of the TV and fireplace in the living room interior directly depends on the following factors:

  1. Room size;
  2. Type of fireplace (electric fireplace, wood-burning, gas, false fireplace);
  3. Fireplace type (Corner, built-in, wall-mounted or island);
  4. General interior style.

In order to ensure that neither the fireplace nor the TV takes on the main weight in the design of the entire interior, it is necessary to place them in different semantic zones of the fireplace and TV zone. Read But if the dimensions of the living room do not allow you to design the interior in this way, then you need to select the size of these elements approximately the same. Because a small fireplace in an interior with a huge TV screen will be lost in the interior. And vice versa, a massive fireplace next to a small TV will take all the attention. The style of the entire living room is best done in a minimalist direction, especially when it comes to various decor. After all, the abundant presence of small elements will distract attention from these large and significant accents of the interior.

The worst option for placing a TV and fireplace in the living room interior is their location on opposite walls. And the most organic and comfortable proximity is considered to be their placement on different walls, but not directly opposite each other, but perpendicularly. You can also hang a TV and install a fireplace on different walls, but on the same line. Next, we will consider all the options in more detail. And now we recommend watching a video selection on how to place a TV and fireplace in the living room interior:

TV above the fireplace in the living room interior

As already described above, the placement of the TV above the fireplace causes a lot of controversy, although it is the most common option. But if the dimensions of the room do not allow these two interior elements to be separated, then when hanging the TV above the fireplace, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Do not place the TV above a wood-burning or gas fireplace to avoid overheating of the equipment;
  2. Turn on the TV and fireplace separately so that the artificial flames do not distract from watching TV with their glare;
  3. The current option is to place the fireplace horizontally along the lower edge of the wall and place the TV at the correct height. It looks quite harmonious, safe for the eyes and neck, and does not draw attention to any element.

See photo examples below

TV in front of the fireplace in the living room interior

Placing a fireplace directly opposite the TV is the most unfavorable way to place them next to each other, due to the following factors: Reflection of the fire in the TV monitor will spoil the image quality; The heat emitted by the fireplace, in the case of a narrow room, has a detrimental effect on the TV monitor, which will ultimately lead to its breakdown.

TV and fireplace in the living room interior on one wall

It is best to place the TV and fireplace on the same wall either horizontally or diagonally. By arranging our interior elements in this way, we have the opportunity to move upholstered furniture to each element. Which is very valuable in small spaces. For example, install a soft sofa opposite the TV for comfortable viewing. And put two armchairs and a small coffee table by the fireplace. See photos with examples of placement

TV and fireplace on adjacent walls

This type of location is one of the best. Place a soft and comfortable sofa in the middle of the living room, facing the TV. And hang a fireplace on the side of the sofa as the main hearth of the room. In this way, the heat of the fireplace will warm you up while you enjoy watching TV, and the flames will not be able to distract you from this activity. If your living room is quite impressive in size, then you can safely start decorating two thematic zones. Organize a TV zone in one corner, and a relaxation zone with a warm fireplace on the adjacent wall. The remaining part of the living room can be decorated as a dining room, which is especially important for studio-type rooms.

TV and island fireplace in the living room interior

When choosing a place to install a TV and an island fireplace in the interior of the living room, there are no special guidelines. Since, by and large, everything will depend on the technical side of the issue. Namely, the fireplace area will be selected in accordance with the technical parameters of the room. All you have to do is fit the TV harmoniously into the living room interior. Try to position the TV so that there is no heat impact from the fireplace. And also make sure that the flames are not reflected on the TV monitor, so that nothing interferes with its viewing.

Look at the photo and get ideas for yourself:

Properly placed TV and fireplace in the living room interior will help you fully enjoy the harmonious and cozy interior. You just need to use your imagination and use the tips and recommendations from our article. The resulting atmosphere in the living room will allow your entire family and friends to while away the long winter evenings in pleasant company.

TV and fireplace types

When decorating, it is important to know not only how to place the fireplace and TV in the living room, but also how to arrange the furniture correctly. There are a number of nuances that should be followed if you decide to place the TV panel above the heating device. Advice from professionals will help you do everything yourself.

The future location of the TV must be taken into account when choosing the type of fireplace. It is difficult to place it above the mantelpiece if the device is corner. You will need a special shelf or bracket. Designers do not recommend such a solution, but if you need to do just that, then you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail.

If a built-in type is planned, then space for the TV is allocated in a niche. In this case, the dimensions of both the fireplace and the TV are important. They should be the same, or the TV should be a little smaller.

The wall-mounted option is the most ideal. In this case, both the fireplace and the TV can be placed in the wall between the windows (if they are large). In principle, in this case, finding a place to solve the problem will not be difficult. It is important that the fireplace itself is not large and not pretentious.

Combination methods

Nowadays, you can quite successfully place both a fireplace and a TV in an apartment or your own home, and there are many successful design projects to confirm this. In most cases, the elements are installed one on top of the other, that is, the fireplace is mounted on the floor, and the TV is mounted above it against the wall.

With this arrangement, it is important to ensure that the diagonal of the television device and the size of the firebox are approximately the same. If you can’t find the parameters, then you can beat the situation and build a portal that will match the size of the TV. Thus, a certain harmony is created between the figures and balance in the design.

Another option that will help prevent the fireplace and TV from clashing on the same wall is to create a rectangular, low portal along its entire length. In this case, the device can be hung at a height at which it will be comfortable to view.

Those for whom this solution is not suitable are offered to place the fireplace and TV on walls located perpendicular to each other. This approach is good because the pieces of furniture will be shared in the recreation area, which will save space and money.

Rich living room interior

Recently, it has been practiced to place the TV on one side of the fireplace at the same level. The decision is quite bold, but quite acceptable if the interior needs to be balanced. To do this, on the other side it is worth hanging a picture or some other decorative object.

Good to know: Fireplace accessories – 5 essential attributes

In small rooms it is very successful to make a corner fireplace under the TV, which acts as a kind of cabinet. As for the design, it can also be of different designs, for example, a stand in a classic design, decorated with stucco elements and columns, looks very impressive. In this case, it is better to choose a light color scheme for decoration so that it does not draw attention to itself.

A fireplace and a TV in the living room interior can easily coexist. For corner placement, the method of mounting the TV on one side of the fireplace can be used. Then it is best to furnish the relaxation area with a soft sofa for comfortable enjoyment of the fire and your favorite programs.

It is not recommended to hang the TV on the wall opposite the fireplace. Then residents will constantly have a choice of what to do with themselves on a free evening, and this, in turn, can pretty much ruin their mood, because modern people are not used to denying themselves.

Country house interior

This arrangement of a fireplace with a TV is more appropriate in a large dining room, where there is no feeling of constraint. This option is suitable for a studio apartment, where the room and kitchen are combined, and they are separated by a bar counter in the center of the home. It would be better to leave the TV in the center of the living room, and install the fireplace in the kitchen.

As for false structures, they can be combined at the request of the home owners. Such products never conflict with the TV due to the design features.

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