Feng Shui of a small apartment, arrangement

Arranging furniture beautifully in an apartment is an art. And arranging it so that all objects are in harmony with each other and carry positive energy is already a science. Over three thousand years of experience, humanity has formulated an entire teaching to explain the movement of positive and negative energy and learn to work with these flows.

An ancient Chinese teaching, which is based on the Taoist concept of the universe, combining the two principles “yin” and “yang”. The teachings of Feng Shui explain how to properly plan the space in a home so that the life of household members is filled with harmony and positive energy “qi”.

Feng Shui is an entire art. To fully comprehend the techniques of arranging objects according to Feng Shui, it takes more than one year. That is why today there are more and more specialists not just in interior design, but in interior design taking into account Feng Shui. And although the furnishings of a home begin with the layout of the location of the building itself relative to the cardinal directions, even the less than favorable location of a house or apartment can be “corrected” using Feng Shui techniques through the competent use of design elements and furniture in the interior of the room.


A person spends a third of his life in the bedroom. Therefore, it is important that this place charges you as much as possible with positive flows of “chi” energy.

The bed should be rectangular. Round shaped beds are not conducive to marital relations.

The mattress on a double bed must be solid. The dividing line when using two mattresses symbolizes a split in family life.

On the southwestern wall of the bedroom you should hang a red accessory, preferably in pairs. The southwest sector of the bedroom usually corresponds to the marriage sector, and the color red symbolizes love in a relationship.

The bedroom should not be located near the entrance door to the house. An unsuccessful choice of room for the bedroom can cause pain in the household. A mirror on the bedroom door will correct this shortcoming.

The head of the bed should rest against the wall. It is important that there is a passage on both sides of the bed. This will ensure the movement of positive energy along the sleeping area.

It is advisable that there are no unnecessary objects at the headboard: bedside tables, sconces, mirrors, windows. If there is a night table, then try to keep it clean and tidy and the minimum number of necessary items.

It is not advisable to place the bed opposite the front door.

Mirrors reflecting those sleeping on the bed have a negative impact.

It is better to sleep with your head facing south, east or southeast. The southern direction during sleep symbolizes longevity, and the eastern direction symbolizes enlightenment.

Bedroom windows should not overlook ponds or rivers. Otherwise, the person will not feel rested. Curtains will help correct this shortcoming.

If the doors of two bedrooms are opposite each other, this can lead to rivalry between the household members living in them. In this case, it is recommended to hang a bell between the doors of two bedrooms.

It is not advisable to place many plants in the bedroom. It is strictly not recommended to place cacti. But fresh fruits have a beneficial effect on the energy of the bedroom. You can place a basket of seasonal fruits on a table or windowsill in your bedroom.

It is recommended to place positive family photographs or images of flowers on the bedroom walls. It is not recommended to place images of water - this symbolizes loss in the family.

It is better to keep the bedroom door closed.

Furniture items.

*First of all, use the Bagua octagon to determine in which sector this or that room is located, and choose the color scheme of this room in accordance with this direction. For example, if your kitchen is located in the south of your apartment (and in the south, as you know, the Fire element predominates), then it is better not to use interior and furniture colors such as blue, light blue and black, i.e. avoid water colors. If your office is located in the northern sector of the house, then “water” colors are preferable here, since north refers to the water element.

*Always choose furniture that is pleasant and comfortable for you and your household. After all, comfort and convenience are the most important thing.

*In the living room, it is better to place the sofa and armchairs (if any) with their backs to the walls and in no case to the window, not to the door or in the middle of the room. Nowadays it is very fashionable for upholstered furniture to be placed in the middle of the room, but such an arrangement not only makes it difficult for people to move around the room, but also interferes with the circulation of positive “QI” energies. And for good luck for each family member, place family photographs in the southwestern sector of the living room.

*In the bedroom, it is also best to arrange all the furniture along the walls, and the bed must have a backrest, which must rest on the wall. We have already written about the shape of the headboard in another article, and we will not dwell on this topic. And the furniture itself should be kept to a minimum; do not clutter the bedroom. The color of the furniture here should only be in light colors. Dark furniture and mirrors that reflect sleeping people are not welcome here. But I wrote about all this in my other articles.

*The corridor should not be crowded or blocked, but if it is long and straight, hang small but bright paintings and posters on the walls...

•Also, do not clutter the bathroom and toilet with furniture - let only cleanliness reign here.

•But in the office there may be a large sofa, and place the work desk opposite the door so that the person sitting behind it in no case has his back directed towards the window or the door. There should be a wall behind the person sitting; hang an image (poster, painting, poster) of mountains or hills on the wall.

• In the kitchen, it is best to separate the stove and sink by placing a narrow shelf (for example, a bottle holder) between them, and place the table so that no one sitting has their back to the front door.

• It is better to choose oval or round tables for your apartment.


Living room as a symbol of family hospitality. Traditionally, all family members and guests in the house gather here. That is why, according to Feng Shui, it is believed that the living room should be the most spacious room in the home.

If the layout of the living room in the apartment is small in size, this drawback can be corrected with the help of mirrors to visually expand the space in the room.

Make sure that the flooring or flooring in the hallway is level with the flooring in other rooms.

It is preferable to decorate the living room in light colors. Don't be afraid to also use green, red, yellow, white and blue tones in your living room design.

The presence of fresh flowers in pots in the living room and good lighting have a positive effect on the energy in the house.

If you want to place an aquarium with fish in the living room, it is best to do this on the north wall of the living room.

It is advisable to place furniture in the living room along the walls to free up more free space for the movement of energy.

How to properly arrange furniture in the bedroom?

First of all, the bedroom should be of the correct shape, rectangular or square. Furniture should be distributed around the perimeter of the room in such a way that it outlines the boundaries and emphasizes the shape. We recommend placing massive sofas and wardrobes along the bedroom walls. Avoid dark niches. They have the property of accumulating unfavorable Sha energy. Arrangement of the bedroom according to Feng Shui will take a lot of time, however, it is worth it. Thanks to the successful arrangement of furniture, you will feel how your life will become more fulfilling. In addition, you will have more strength and positive energy.

When choosing a bed for the bedroom, remember that they must stand on legs. The free space underneath makes it possible for Qi energy to calmly pass through and move throughout the entire area. This promotes sound sleep and a pleasant rest.

We advise you to hang a picture at the head of the bed. According to the principles of Feng Shui science, after sleep a person should see something beautiful that will please the eye.

When choosing furniture, pay attention to the corners of bedside tables, beds and cabinets. They should be slightly rounded. The sharp ends are physically tangible negative Sha energy.

Sharp furniture corners should not be used

Objects symbolizing water must be excluded from the bedroom. It symbolizes loss of wealth. If you want to strengthen your relationship with your partner, add shades of peach, lilac, purple or pink to your room. There is no need to repaint the walls. You can simply arrange toys or figurines of these shades, hang beautiful curtains of these colors on the windows. Dark colors have an adverse effect on the emotional state. It is better not to use items of such colors in the bedroom.


In Chinese, “kitchen” sounds like the word “money.” Apparently, therefore, in the teachings of Feng Shui, the kitchen symbolizes the well-being of the family. To maximize the movement of positive energy flows, try to follow a few rules.

The sink in the kitchen symbolizes water, the stove symbolizes fire. These are two different verses. Try to keep the distance between the stove and the sink at least 50 cm.

It is recommended that green and white colors be present in the kitchen. It is better to make the kitchen room itself bright and take care of good ventilation.

Try to position the kitchen so that the cook does not have his back to the front door for a long time.

Get rid of broken or cracked dishes. Such objects carry negative energy.

The best shape for a kitchen table is considered to be round or oval. These tables have no sharp corners. It is not recommended to sit opposite a sharp corner at a table.

The owner of the house is recommended to sit facing the door to the kitchen - this way he will see everyone entering. And it is better for the housewife to sit with her back to the stove - this way she will maintain the hearth in the house.

In the kitchen, try not to quarrel. If a conflict occurs during cooking, Feng Shui experts advise not to eat such food. Otherwise, you risk eating all the said negativity together in food.

The best direction for kitchen windows is southeast. This arrangement is believed to bring harmony to the home.

Furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui


For the bedroom, the most important thing in the arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui is to install the bed correctly. The well-being of the sleeper primarily depends on the location of the sleeping place. Considering that sleep occupies a significant part of everyone's life, the issue of good sleep seems quite serious.

Bedroom Feng Shui gives several basic recommendations:

  • the bed should not be located next to the wall adjacent to the bathtub or toilet unit;
  • According to Feng Shui , you need to arrange the furniture so that the bed is not opposite the door;
  • the direction of sharp corners should not be directed towards sleeping people;
  • the arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui excludes the installation of shelves, cabinets and other hanging structures above the heads of vacationers - migraines, increased anxiety and poor sleep are possible;
  • the presence of mirrors in the bedroom should be kept to a minimum; if they are present, the bed should not be reflected on their surface at any angle.


For children's rooms, the same principles of furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui . Minimum sharp corners, more rounded shapes. In addition, it should be especially noted the negative influence that Feng Shui of a children's room attributes to all overhanging structures.

For children, if there is more than one of them in the house, double beds are often chosen. The bunk bed design saves space and is quite popular. The principles of arranging furniture according to Feng Shui are categorically against such a technique, for the following reasons:

  • pressure from above can cause unmotivated fears in a child;
  • possible increased anxiety and nervousness, nightmares;
  • the child who will sleep on the lower bed will be led;
  • A “locked” space increases the tendency to develop claustrophobia.

The entrance areas in standard apartments are not very voluminous, so to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui according to all the rules, but you can take into account the basic principles. The entrance door should not hit other doors or furniture when opening.

There is no point in placing a mirror opposite the front door. All energy comes through the main door of the house, it nourishes the household, gives prosperity and comfort. The mirror will reflect all the new energy and “not let” it into the house.

Living room

Recommendations for arranging furniture according to Feng Shui in a common room:

  • the table should be round - this is a harmonious shape that unites all family members;
  • according to Feng Shui in the living room, the sofa and armchairs should not be placed under the window;
  • there should be no hanging shelves or consoles above your favorite chair or sofa;
  • sharp corners should not be directed towards the areas of the room where you are most present.

To arrange furniture according to Feng Shui, you need to take into account the interaction of the elements. Water and Fire should not be located close. In a word, in the kitchen, according to Feng Shui, your stove and oven should be removed from the washing machine, dishwasher and sink.

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